Saturday, November 5, 2011


We are so excited to have pure bred Registered Lakenvalders.We have Pearl and Margaret
Sadly the rooster got out and was killed but we are currently looking for a new one and this spring we will hopefully be hatching out little babies.
Lakenvalders are show quality birds, they are extremely rare and extremely beautiful and we can't wait to have some little chicks to offer to the public, so stayed tun

Tulip the Explorer

We love Tulip, we definitely love it when we find her awake and can get her out to play. She was extremely curious this particular day, and loved to explore our bookcase (this was taken at the house in Tyler)
Oh, she seems to sense our presence
oh she has found something
it was so much fun to watch her do this. When hedgehogs find a smell they like, they twist and lick their quills whic results in a foam building up on her quills, I can't remember what it is called but it is fun to watch
man, what would it be like to be able to lick your own back?

Our Creative Kitten Hermini

We got the cutest new little kitten last month. Since moving we left behind all of Oreos friends and we felt like he might be lonely so we were thrilled to find this little girl for free. We called her Hermini (After the Harry Potter Character, even though that is probably not how her name is spelled). Hermini is so sweet and loves to jump up into our laps to be cuddled, she is also very playful, it is always fun to see just what will interest her next.

I have to admit though, I was getting rather concerned. We decided we would feed and water her in Little D's Bathroom, which is where we would put her litter box, except she wasn't eating or drinking and her litter box was empty--was she sick?

Turns out, she was being creative. Late one night I snuck into Little D's room to feed Tulip (the hedgehog) and as I walked out I witnessed something I wouldn't have believed had I not seen it myself, at which point I ran to the fetch the Camera cause I knew I needed proof, so here it is:

Hermini wasn't bothering to eat her own food because Tulips (which may I note is the exact same food) tasted better, so she would hop into Tulips cage and share with her. Turns out she has also been using Tulips litter box--who knew?